I believe in connecting with your roots while reaching for your sky. Yoga helps me do so and this is what I would like to share with you. So, I created #Wachmoment to offer vinyasa inspired yoga classes for all levels close to you in Zurich.
Ever since my first yoga lesson in San Francisco in 2004, I have been fascinated by those movements on the yoga mat that can be both relaxing and energizing. So, having tried a lot of different other styles of dance and movement, I got back to yoga again, when I met Deddou Burkhard, the founder of Pop Up Yoga Zurich. I immediately connected to her way of sequencing and theming a Vinyasa yoga class. So in 2018, I have been lucky to complete the teacher training with her.
Since then, I have started teaching classes for all levels and continue to learn in my own practice and from my students.
250h Vinyasa yoga teacher training with Pop Up-Yoga, Zurich
22h Biodynamic Yin Yoga with Cat Kabira
I regularly attend workshops and masterclasses with international trainers to explore further and develop my practice.
Why do you Yoga?
Let’s keep enlightenment at the side, for a moment and get down to earth, on the mat.
My Inspiration
With the yoga practice being so personal, my inspiration for teaching comes from all sides. As a designer, I might have certain professional deformations like my never-resting curiosity, and watchful eyes and my sense of objects and directions in space. To me, the yoga postures are shapes and ideas to be explored, to be set into context and filled with life and personal meaning.
I have had the chance to train with some fine teachers who have inspired me to incorporate certain aspects from Hatha, Anusara or Yin Yoga into my own practice.